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Laboratoire AVIE


food supplement.webp

What is a food supplement?

By official and legal definition, a food supplement is assimilated to a foodstuff, a concentrate of vitamins and minerals or other substances having a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or combined.

The objective of this micro-nutrition is to supplement the normal diet in cases where nutritional intakes may vary, no longer correspond to the precise needs of the body, or even present

certain deficiencies.

Food supplements are attached to the consumer code and undergo strict controls by the Department of Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) , just like all nutritional products.

Food supplements today

The use of food supplements has been growing by 5 to 6% per year for 10 years in France and abroad. This growth results from the fact that medicines are increasingly poorly reimbursed, that consumers are increasingly attracted by natural solutions , and that the population is aging in highly industrialized countries in Europe and other parts of the globe.

In addition, seniors are consumers who for the most part have financial security, so they invest a lot in prevention and longevity. They analyze and highly appreciate food supplements.

food supplements today.webp
femme saine

Vivez mieux et plus longtemps !

Food supplements are never reimbursed by Health Insurance, yet among the 52,000 general practitioners , more than 10,000 of them prescribe food supplements to their patients almost every day. This therefore represents around 20% of general practitioners who have integrated prevention with food supplements into their prescriptions. On the specialist side, there are around 30% and experts predict an increase in the number of practitioners who will advise food supplements to their patients every week.

Our food supplement

complément alimentaire FX-1000

It took our teams more than seven years of research, analysis and large-scale testing before we were able to finalize the creation of FX-1000 and the entire FX range (700 – 800 – 900 and Ultra Tonic) .

The development of a food supplement as extraordinary and complex as FX-1000 could not be orchestrated by an association of “apprentice sorcerers”, so, to guarantee its effectiveness in preventing or relieving the ailments of our body we have rigorously selected and carefully assembled the powders of the ten plants used in its composition.

The results obtained are simply fabulous and we are permitted to write that taking regular courses of FX-1000 will be beneficial in the following general cases:





Aging of cells

Intestinal and gastric digestive problem

Urinary and prostate problem

Menopause related problem

Aging-related tremor problem

– Erectile and libido problem (M&F)

Bone problem

Memory loss

Les produits de la gamme FX

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